683.84A/12–351: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Syria 1


246. Dept commends ur excellent tel 319 Dec 3.2 You have already noted Riley’s comments contained Delga 576 Dec 8.3 Re ur 286 Nov 18,4 Dept fears irresponsible personal attacks on Gen Riley by Syrian mil spokesman can only exacerbate sitn between Israel and Syria. Probably basic Syrian irritation increased by Riley’s report to SC on Tel el Mutilla incident to effect Syrians had manifestly participated in fighting in Demil Zone. Report is mild in tone, however, and Dept considers it objective and in accord SC res May 18. In Dept’s view Riley’s acts and reports sitn to UN have been fair and impartial, and we believe he made sincere effort carry out his responsibilities under SC res of May 18. Syrians shld be cautioned against either believing or attempting make capital out of Israel propaganda, which frequently attempts make it appear Riley willing bargain with Israel or in full agreement with latter’s position.

While latest Riley report to SC, dated Nov 6, indicates he not yet entirely successful obtaining compliance Israel re Demil Zone, seems clear he also had difficulties Syrian side. Syria as well as Israel has refused meet in MAC. Dept believes this refusal is violation para 8 SC res May 18. Unless and until Syria Israel resume mtgs in MAC, Dept believes it unwise Riley attempt call armistice conf or refer problem back to SC, since wld appear SC wld indicate unwillingness attempt resolve this problem while both parties maintain un-coop attitude toward UN and refuse discuss through machinery estab for this purpose. Riley and not Syria is judge extent Israel compliance, and Israel non-compliance is no justification for continuing Syrian refusal participate in MAC mtgs.

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Israel’s attitude this matter equally untenable in Dept’s view. Art 5 Armistice Agreement assigns gen supervision Demil Zone to Chairman MAC, and not to MAC itself, but if Chairman wishes MAC discuss Zone problems neither side shld refuse participate, particularly in light May 18 Res.

Dept increasingly concerned that when either Syria or Israel disagrees with UN position Palestine it attempts force UN comply with its point of view by obstructionist or legalistic tactics. Unless Syria and Israel meet in MAC with sincere desire settle their problems Dept doubts wisdom of attempting progress toward settlement on any other level UN. Syria shld also be willing take responsibility for its own suggestions and agree consider Israel counter-suggestions. Syria’s objections to making proposals in MAC might be obviated by assurance UN and Israel that mtgs wld be kept secret.

Dept believes any new arrangement re Demil Zone cld be considered modification Art 5 Armistice Agreement and line estab cld become part of armistice line, which as stated in Armistice Agreement wld be “without prejudice to final settlement” but which in fact wld be sufficiently final satisfy Israel. Dept agrees that commercial relations Israel and Syria obviously impossible for some time to come.

Dept hopes Leg Damascus and Emb Tel Aviv will lose no oppy influence govt to which accredited coop with UN along foregoing lines.

Request USDel Paris obtain Riley’s views generally on foregoing and his ideas on next steps to be taken.5

  1. Drafted by Mr. Waldo, cleared with Mr. Ludlow, and repeated to Tel Aviv (as 454), Beirut, Amman, Jerusalem, Paris (as Gadel 512), Jidda, Baghdad, Cairo, London, and Ankara.
  2. Ante, p. 950.
  3. Ante, p.958.
  4. Ante, p. 933.
  5. The U.S. Delegation to the General Assembly reported on December 22 that General Riley was in full agreement with the Department’s views as stated in this telegram. He felt the only problem he would wish to refer back to the Security Council would be an actual violation of the cease-fire; he envisaged no new steps, at least during the General Assembly session, beyond continuing efforts through the Mixed Armistice Commission. (Delga 791, December 22, not printed (320/12–2251))