684A.85/8–1551: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Jordan1


49. Dept hopes you will raise subj urtel 58 Aug 152 again with PriMin soonest along fol gen lines: Dept welcomes reports from Emb Tel Aviv and statements by Israel Reps US to effect Israel Govt willing and anxious discuss Jordan water situation with Jordan. Dept considers Israel attitude this matter commendable and glad learn Jordan attitude responsive. Dept has discussed situation informally with Gen Riley who agreeable MAC handling situation if parties wld agree this procedure.

Dept believes Armistice machinery already in effect most suitable for negot this primarily technical problem, which not capable solution without direct discussions between parties at some stage, and believes MAC competent consider this and any matter at issue between Jordan and Israel which two parties agree discuss therein. Additionally, para 3 art 8 Jordan–Israel Gen Armistice Agreement clearly estabs competence Special Comite consider “such matters as may be referred to it.” This section agreement also provides that MAC may exercise supervisory functions over agreed plans and arrangements formulated by Special Comite. If Jordan wishes pursue legalistic approach, Dept suggests Special Comite might agree consider Jordan water dispute and then refer it to MAC. MAC and Special Comite only UN orgs in which direct discussions between Israel and Jordan take place on continuing basis. Moreover, if SC considers Jordan complaint wld probably refer matter for investigation to MAC or other UN body now in operation.

[Page 838]

Under Riley chairmanship Jordan–Israel MAC might appoint subcomite of impartial engineers survey Jordan River from Tiberias to Dead Sea and report to MAC recommendations for solution Jordan–Israel water dispute. Engineers might be made available by UNRWA or other neutral source.

Simplest most expeditious course wld be for Israel and Jordan name their water experts advisers Israel–Jordan dels MAC and for experts agree on spot nature survey and other practical steps useful both parties. FYI Israel suggests this simple matter of dam closing during winter.

Problem Jordan water is probably as unpolitical as any existing between Jordan and Israel and shld be susceptible quiet handling by technicians. Dept hopes Jordan Govt will not reject Israel offer.

Report devels.

  1. Drafted by Messrs. Waldo and G. L. Jones (NE); cleared with Mr. Popper (UNP); repeated for information to Tel Aviv, Damascus, Beirut, and New York.
  2. Ante, p. 835.