800.413/8–651: Telegram

The Ambassador in Israel (Davis) to the Department of State 1


115. Re reaction FonOff to advice that Jewish Agency not invite diplomatic corps to opening of Zionist Congress in Jerusalem (Embtel 108 August 2), Dr. Nahum Goldmann, Chairman Amer Section Jewish Agency, discussed matter with me over weekend and expressed agreement wisdom of decision in view Jerusalem question and disposition Arabs exploit such things for propaganda purposes.

Apparently he had been in touch with FonMin Sharett who had told him Emb had taken matter up with Dept. I explained Dept had [Page 820] no objection acceptance invitation but left matter for local decision after consultation certain colleagues. Those consulted agreed with me that presence of dipl corps at Congress wld not be beneficial in view situation ME to interests of our respective countries, Israel or Congress itself.

Comment: It is believed Dr. Goldmann will use his influence to prevent criticism anticipated by chief Amer section FonOff.

  1. Repeated for information to Jerusalem.