357.AC/8–351: Telegram

The United States Representative on the Palestine Conciliation Commission (Palmer) to the Secretary of State


109. Palun 422. USDel has today, Aug 2, concluded discussions with Fr reps Marchal and Boisanger and principal secretary Azcarate of Dept’s proposal for new efforts by PCC. We are happy report there is full measure agreement that Dept’s proposals are timely and necessary if PCC is to make contribution to solving any Palestine problems or to contribute to stability in present uneasy situation ME. All are agreed present air of great expectation in area can be capitalized on by prompt effort of this kind and hope our three govts can coordinate promptly their dipl support for comm’s action. Fr reps have raised two questions concerning mtg place and Brit attitude on which Dept’s guidance wld be most helpful.

Fr feel it will be difficult persuade Arab govts to participate in mtgs held Istanbul. Boisanger has pointed out that in recent conversation with Atassi, Syrian Amb Paris, Atassi spoke out against Turk initiative in area. Boisanger also recalled that when PCC proposed mtgs last year, Abdul Monem Egypt rep, stated flatly Egyptians wld never meet in Turkey. Boisanger and Marchal regard Egypt as key to Arab acceptance. Fr reps, having talked with FonOff, have therefore proposed Paris as best mtg place. They feel that higher representation can be expected if Paris is chosen and that in even conference continued beyond Nov 6 no disruption of mtgs wld occur.1 They also feel it most important that in course of conference close contact shld be maintained with Brit Govt and favor Paris for this reason. They feel Dept’s other suggested mtg places wld create communication difficulties for themselves as well as for Arab dels. Today Marchal reported that preliminary telephone conversations with Paris indicated FonOff was agreeable both to substance Dept’s proposals and to Paris as mtg place. Boisanger has returned to Paris for further consultation and Marchal will follow him on Saturday. USDel will meet at Quai d’ Orsay with Fr reps on Tuesday to learn FonOff final decision.
Prior to this time Fr reps hope for clarification of Brit attitude toward Dept’s proposals. They believe Brit opinion will greatly influence FonOff decision, and expect Fr. Amb London to make immediate inquiries there. In order have full info for our conversations with Fr FonOff, we hope Dept can inform USDel both Geneva and Paris by Monday afternoon re Brit reaction.

Pending Fr FonOff decision, Fr and USDels have agreed on draft of invitation to be telegraphed govts concerned, which it is hoped, can [Page 817] be sent by Aug 10. Accordingly suggested date for convening conference has been set at Sept 10. We have suggested to Fr reps and will suggest to Aras on arrival that comm not reconvene in Jerusalem prior to receipt of parties’ acceptance or rejection our invitation in order avoid comms being involved in discussions with local auths of its proposals. Marchal had hoped make immediate tour of area in order acquaint himself with area and personalities, but has agreed postpone trip until immed after receipt of parties’ final answers. He will not engage at that time, however, in discussion of business of proposed conference. FrReps recognize necessity for FonOffs of three govts represented on PCC to undertake gain parties acceptance.

Emb Ankara has informed USDel Aras arrives Geneva tomorrow third. We have scheduled mtg for immed after his arrival and will report promptly his reaction.

Fol is text proposed invitation as agreed with FrReps subj Aras’ approval:

“I have the honor to inform you that the UN PCC, mtg in special session in Geneva, has decided to invite the govts of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria and the Govt of Israel to participate in mtgs with the comm to discuss solutions to the problems outstanding between Israel and the Arab states.

“During the period fol the adoption by the UNGA of its res of 14 Dec 1950, the PCC has continued to seek solutions for problems arising out of the Palestine situation. In accordance with the res, the comm created its refugee office for the purpose of making practical arrangements for the solution of the refugee problem. The comm is ready to make a new effort to lend assistance to the parties in seeking solution of this and other questions outstanding between them. In the course of the proposed discussions, the comm will be prepared to exercise its mediatory functions by suggesting specific solutions to specific problems for consideration by the parties.

“The comm invites the govt of (blank blank) to participate in these mtgs and to designate its reps. It is proposed that the conference be held in Paris beginning on 10 Sept 1951, and it is hoped that it will be possible for the comm to report the results of the conference to the next regular session of the UNGA, 6 Nov, 1951.”2

  1. This is a reference to the projected convening of the Sixth Regular Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations at Paris on November 6, 1951.
  2. In Palun 423, August 3, identified also as telegram 115 from Geneva, not printed, Ambassador Palmer stated in part that Aras had agreed in principle with the Department’s proposal and draft letter of invitation (357.AC/8–351).