683.84A/6–1251: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Lebanon 1


900. For Bruins from McGhee. Deep feeling in Syria (Damascus Legtels 723, 724 Jun 12)2 plus nr of pts re which we need info make it desirable for you deliver orally msg along fol lines from me to Riley and to report his reactions. Msg begins.

Ur presence NE with authority strengthened by SC res of May 18 is source of confidence to us all. Pressures now seem to be building [Page 723] up in Syria but we confident ur sure hand will calm situation. Syrians have raised nr of questions with Leg Damascus and in letter to SC: Dept in position answer most of these but on some we lack necessary background info. These questions follow and wld appreciate ur guidance re replies via Leg Beirut.

  • a.) Syria implies you have devoted most of ur attn to Israel and have been to Damascus only once: sense neglect expressed.
  • b.) Syrians complain they got story from Israel radio re resumption operations on Israel-owned lands in Demilit Zone and not from you.
  • c.) Allege that one month after adoption SC res, Arabs still have not been allowed to return to their homes in Zone.
  • d.) Allege impossible determine Arab land holdings in the Zone since Arabs not there to indicate boundaries.
  • e.) Allege Israel mil emplacements remain in Zone.
  • f.) Great pt made by Syria re shortness of time between complete stoppage work in Zone and resumption on Israel property.

Assure you Dept fully supporting you in handling ur difficult job. We welcome reactivation the MAC. We hope ur guidance foregoing will help us to help you with parties—particularly with Syrians who appear to be in injured, stormy and unpredictable mood. Warm regards. Msg ends.

In ur discretion you may convey Riley info in recent Damascus Legtels. [McGhee.]

  1. Telegram drafted by Mr. Jones and approved for transmission by Mr. McGhee. Telegram repeated for information to Damascus, London, New York, and Tel Aviv.
  2. Neither printed, but see footnote 2, infra.