320/12–451: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State

top secret   priority

Delga 491. Re: Disarmament item. After Monday subcom sessions1 Lloyd revived ideas outlined last para Delga 476,2 stressing desirability Three Powers demonstrate flexibility and retain propaganda initiative by tabling possible new formula which wld appear closer GA declaration favoring prohibition atomic weapons while clearly postponing effective date of prohibition until control system operating.

Lloyd’s “draft declaration” fols:

  • “1. The development and use of atomic energy having now become a matter of international concern, it is the duty of every state to accept, and act in aid of, an effective system of international control adequate to ensure the use of atomic energy only for peaceful purposes and the elimination of atomic weapons from national armaments as well as to protect complying states against the hazards of violations and evasions.
  • “2. When the Security Council declares that an effective system of international control as provided in Article 1 has been established, then, as from the date of the declaration—
    • “(A) No state or individual shall manufacture, possess or use atomic weapons.
    • “(B) No state or individual shall use atomic energy except for peaceful purposes.”

Difficulties Lloyd proposal will be stressed tripartitely tomorrow. Lloyd although inexperienced at negotiation with Soviets, is completely modest, candid and open to our suggestions. Therefore, although we feel Dept shld be aware possible dangers, we feel it not at [Page 598] all clear that real difficulty will emerge maintaining tripartite solidarity.3 Estimate possible after Tuesday subcom sessions.

  1. The initial meetings of the subcommittee were held on Monday, December 3.
  2. Telegram Delga 476, December 3, is not printed.
  3. In telegram Gadel 342, December 4, the Department stated its agreement with the Delegation’s position that the Lloyd draft declaration could not be supported (320/12–451).