Editorial Note
At its 461st Meeting, November 30, 1951, the First Committee unanimously adopted resolution A/C.1/675 establishing a subcommittee consisting of the President of the General Assembly (Chairman) and representatives of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union, with instructions to formulate agreed proposals for recommendation to the First Committee. The subcommittee was requested to take into consideration the tripartite draft resolution (A/C.1/667) and the Soviet amendments to it (A/C.1/668). The First Committee directed the subcommittee to submit a report by December 10 and suspended its discussions on regulation of armaments pending the receipt of that report.
The subcommittee held ten closed meetings. Its report, document A/C.1/677, December 10, recommended the establishment of a consolidated commission to consider the regulation of atomic and conventional [Page 597] armaments. It also listed the areas of agreement and disagreement between the Soviet Union and the United States, the United Kingdom, and France in regard to the content of the envisaged General Assembly resolution on regulation of armaments.
For the summary record of the 461st Meeting of the First Committee, November 30, see GA (VI), First Committee, pages 55–57. For text of resolution A/C.1/675, see GA (VI), Annexes, Agenda Items 66 and 16, page 14. For text of the tripartite resolution, A/C.1/667, November 17, see page 584. The Soviet amendments, A/C.1/688, appear in Yearbook of the United Nations, pages 163–164. For text of the report of the subcommittee, A/C.1/677, see GA (VI), Annexes, Agenda Items 66 and 16, pages 8–12.