The United States international information program 1


Documentation concerning the information program in specific countries or regions is included in the compilations on U.S. policies concerning those countries or regions in volumes iivii. See, in particular, the compilation on U.S. policies with relation to Eastern Europe in volume iv. For other material relating to the information program, see pp. 1 ff.

Documentation concerning the information program in 1950 is presented in Foreign Relations, 1950, vol. iv, pp. 261 ff.; ibid., vol. i, pp. 126 ff.; and in compilations on U.S. relations with specific countries or regions in volumes iivii.

[321] The Secretary of State to Senator William Benton


[322] Memorandum of Conversation, Prepared in the Department of State

103 ECA/l–1951

[323] Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs (Barrett)

Barrett Files, Lot 52 D 4321

[328] Study Prepared by the Department of State

S/S–NSC Files, Lot 63 D 351, NSC 114 Series1

[330] Record of the Under Secretary’s Meeting, October 10, 1951

Under Secretary’s Meetings, Lot 53 D 2501

[331] Record of the Under Secretary’s Meeting, October 12, 1951

Under Secretary’s Meetings, Lot 53 D 250

[332] Study Prepared by the Department of State

S/SNSC Files, Lot 63 D 351, NSC 114 Series

[335] The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices

511.00/11–1751: Circular airgram

  1. Consolidated administrative files of the Department of State for the years 1949–1960. Documentation in these files concerning the information program is filed under USIA.
  2. Files of Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Edward W. Barrett for the year 1951.
  3. Serial master file of National Security Council documents and correspondence and related Department of State memoranda for the years 1947–1961, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State.
  4. Master file of meetings, documents, summaries, and agenda of the Under Secretary’s Meetings for the years 1940–1952 as maintained by the Executive Secretariat.