795.00/6–2550: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea


613. Urtels 925 and 926 June 25 received. Planning UN Security Council action. Need continuing fullest reports. All US Govt agencies alerted.1

  1. By 2 a. m., approval had been given in the Department of State to drafts of the U.S. request for a meeting of the U.N. Security Council and a resolution to be introduced by the U.S. Delegation; the texts were communicated to Ambassador Gross in New York by telephone at 2:30 a. m. (Korean Conflict).

    A circular telegram, bearing the transmission time 2 a. m., to the American Missions in the other member states of the Security Council (the Republic of China, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, France, India, Norway, U.S.S.R., the United Kingdom, and Yugoslavia) informed them of the decision to call a Security Council meeting; it also directed them to urge the respective Governments to instruct their Security Council representatives so that prompt action could be taken (330/6–2550 (although this circular telegram bears, in the record copy, the transmission time 2 a. m., the date below the drafters’ initials reads “June 25–3:05 a m”)).