Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to the President
Memorandum for the President
Subject: Military, Financial and Technical Aid for Liberia
The Liberian Government has officially requested that you receive the Secretary of State of Liberia, the Honorable Gabriel L. Dennis, and the Attorney General of Liberia, the Honorable Christian Abayomi Cassell, who wish to discuss Liberia’s need for a military training mission, and financial and technical aid to implement Liberia’s Five-Year Economic Development Plan.1
I suggest, as a matter of courtesy, you receive the Liberians. There follows brief background information on the subjects which they will discuss with the Department.
- 1.
- We recognize Liberia’s need for assistance in training and equipping a small military force for internal security. Negotiations with Mr. Dennis and Mr. Cassell on this matter will be handled by the Department in conjunction with the Department of Defense. (We are now in consultation with Defense on this matter, and prior to the visit of the Liberians, I will inform you of the results of these consultations.)
- 2.
- We have for some time recognized Liberia’s need for greater advancement in developing its resources and strengthening its over-all economy. Evidence of our interest in this regard is to be found in the achievements of our Economic and Public Health Missions in Liberia in furnishing the Liberian Government and people much needed technical advice.
- 3.
- The Export-Import Bank will review applications from the Liberian Government for certain developmental-type projects; however, until the Bank reviews the data to be presented by Liberia, it cannot judge the merits of Liberia’s request.
- 4.
- We have worked out a Technical Assistance Program with the Liberians, and we plan to make available from Point IV funds, an amount substantially in excess of what we have been spending on our Economic and Public Health Missions in Liberia.
The Department will, of course, furnish all appropriate guidance to Mr. Dennis and Mr. Cassell during their visit.2
- Regarding the Liberian request under reference, see Liberian Chargé Bright’s note of August 15, supra.↩
- On September 29, President Truman agreed to meet the Liberian Commission on October 18. The appointment was subsequently rescheduled for October 19. Regarding the meeting, see President Truman’s letter of November 3, to President Tubman, p. 1733.↩