320/12–250: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
Delga 360. In accordance with suggestion chairman Ad Hoc Committee in formal working group met Flushing1 December 2 attempt reach common position re four draft Palestine resolutions now tabled in Ad Hoc Committee. Present were representatives UK, US, France, Turkey, Pakistan, Ethiopia, and Israel. Egyptian representative refused to attend. Basic differences in approach between Four Power and Israeli resolutions on one hand and Egyptian and Pakistani-Ethiopian on the other soon became apparent. Discussions were inconclusive and Eban (Israel) declared there was no point in continuing meeting unless Egyptian representative appeared. Meeting broke up without any agreement that another meeting would be held.
After meeting Eban expressed view to us there no point in continuing this effort and that Committee should proceed to vote on four resolutions separately.
- An area in New York City where the United Nations met.↩