684A.85/10–950: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Israel 1


235. Dept concerned over report contained Jeru Con-Tel 120 Nov 30 rptd you as 9 re Arab Legion road block Beersheba–Elath Road and hopes neither Israel nor Jordan will take precipitate action pending investigation and decision Jordan–Israel MAC. Dept believes matter shld be considered that body if separate Israel–Jordan talks do not bear fruit (Tel Aviv Embtel 305 Nov 302). Dept believes consideration incidents this type fully within competence MAC particularly in light of SC Res Nov 17, and urges Israel and Jordan refrain provocative and impetuous action such as ultimatum presented to Col. de Ritter by Lieut. Col. Ramatti re use of force in area and refusal Jordan rep consider matter in MAC.

Emb Tel Aviv and Leg Amman shld discuss Dept’s views this matter with appropriate auths. Foregoing being discussed with Israel, Jordan and Brit Emb reps Washington.

FYI Dept suspects Jordan action may stem from resentment Jisr Majami incident and considers voluntary Israel concession that area cld be important factor improvement Israel–Jordan relations (Dept tel 149 Sept 30 and Embtel 211 Oct 9).

  1. This telegram was repeated for action to Amman and for information to Jerusalem, London, and New York.
  2. Not printed; it reported that an Israeli convoy intending to test the roadblock was being withheld pending the outcome of special talks between Israel and Jordan now in progress in Jerusalem. (684A.85/11–3050) Embassy Tel Aviv, on December 1, retracted the statement that Israeli-Jordanian talks were being held. (Telegram 311, 684A.85/12–150)

    The Department, on August 4, reiterated to Tel Aviv its deep concern about the situation on the Beersheba-Elath road and instructed the Embassy to follow the matter closely with the Israeli Government. It informed also that the United States Delegation at the United Nations had discussed the matter with Ambassador Eban and Minister Haikal in New York. (Telegram 236, 684A.85/12–450)

    The Department also made representations to the Israeli Counselor on December 4. Mr. Waldo expressed to Moshe Keren its concern about the roadblock incident and expressed the “hope neither party would take impetuous or provocative steps. Israel appeared to have rushed matters a bit by delivering an ultimatum on December 1, only two days after Jordan established the road block. We felt that more time could have been allowed for the Mixed Armistice Commission to look into the matter. The Jordanian action did not warrant the threat of the use of force by Israel”. Mr. Keren advised that he would report these views to his Government but indicated that the incident was one of a long series of intentionally provocative actions by the Jordanian authorities. (Memorandum of conversation by Mr. Waldo. 684A.85/12–450)