The Ambassador in Colombia (Beaulac) to the Secretary of State
398. Re Embtel 396, November 29 and Lima’s telegram 716, November 29. Gallagher’s intransigent attitude which clearly implies threat and even intention of violating Colombian Embassy Lima creates in opinion this Embassy threat to peace which may require immediate action by OAS.
Therefore without prejudice to possible tender of good offices by restricted number countries possibly including Argentina as suggested by Lima this Embassy believes Department should have in mind immediate action by OAS to bring pressure on Peru not to break relations, not to violate Colombian Embassy, and not allow physical harm to come to Haya as first and necessary step to peaceful settlement of problem.1
From press I judge public opinion here is tending more and more toward action by OAS.
Sent Niact 398 to Department, repeated Lima unnumbered.
- In telegram 180 to Bogotá, November 30, the Department said in part that it questioned whether in the circumstances action through the COAS was appropriate or legally possible. (723.00/11–3050)↩