Editorial Note
In a note to the Dominican Embassy of January 31, 1950, the Department of State acknowledged transmittal by the former on January 3 of a check for $12,323.92 which, together with an existing credit of $4,008.95 on Treasury Department books, the Department stated had been applied to full liquidation of the remaining $16,332.87 due from the Dominican Republic for lend-lease assistance. (739.56/1–350) For the Lend-Lease Agreement between the United States and the Dominican Republic signed at Washington, August 2, 1941, and the Supplementary Agreement signed there August 6, 1941, see Foreign Relations, 1941, volume VII, pages 253–257.
Documents concerning the Dominican Republic comprise part of the documentation on United States support of inter-American collective action for peaceful resolution of disputes, pages 641 ff.