835.311/11–2450: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Argentina


348. Embdesps 678 Nov 8 and 748 Nov 24.1 Dept considering requesting Emb facilitate short term agreement for frigorificos to mitigate increased labor costs and other unsatisfactory practices of Arg frigorificos vis-à-vis US plants. Pending stabilization agreement Wilson representatives strongly recommend reinstitution floor prices or subsidies, Embs recommendations requested.2

  1. Neither printed; regarding despatch No. 748, see footnotes 1 on pp. 735 and 738.
  2. In telegram 442, December 14, 1950, from Buenos Aires, Mr. Mallory replied in part: “At meeting with second level authorities yesterday packers were promised satisfactory solution for price differentials on animal fats and hides sometime next week. Also promised favorable action 80% advance on export stocks frozen meat accumulated since July 21. Although not final packers seem assured that price ceilings province Buenos Aires will shortly be raised to those applying Buenos Aires City. These actions if and when concluded should remove immediate need for floor prices or subsidies reurtel [348]. Yesterday Argentina admitted door not completely closed on possibility payment losses since September 1 which would be major reversal attitude.” (835.311/12–1450) In telegram 301 to Buenos Aires, December 18, 1950, the Department replied that it concurred with the Embassy’s conclusions. (835.311/12–1450)