611.35/6–750: Circular airgram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices in the American Republics 1


The Department has observed from comments of officers who have recently arrived in Washington from the OAR that they have not [Page 728] been sufficiently informed on recent developments in US-Argentine relations. The Department considers it essential that all officers assigned to posts in the OAR be as fully acquainted with these developments as possible.

[Here follows a list of circular telegrams and other information dealing with United States relations with Argentina.]

In addition to the above, the Department desires to correct certain impressions which appear to have received some currency. President Perón did not promise that Argentina would ratify the Rio Pact as a quid pro quo for US financial assistance. Perón assured Assistant Secretary Miller last February that he thought it possible to arrange for ratification of the Pact by the Argentine Chamber of Deputies during its present sessions which adjourn September 30, 1950. (The Argentine Senate has already ratified.) This assurance was quite apart however from the question of financial assistance. The Department further wishes to emphasize that although US officials have many times expressed to President Perón and other high Argentine officials our views on civil liberties, including freedom of the press, no action by Argentina was asked for or promised in this regard as a quid pro quo for Eximbank credit. It is of course hoped that a friendlier relationship between the US and Argentina together with an alleviation of the difficult Argentine economic situation will make more likely ratification of the Rio Pact and lessen the Argentine Government’s tendencies toward the use of repressive internal measures.

  1. Sent to 19 Embassies and an information copy to the Embassy in Buenos Aires.