811.05135/3–3050: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Argentina
182. For Amb from Miller. Cereijo delivered to me Mar 28 ltr1 addressed Taylor authorizing liquidation Swift Internatl upon terms [Page 708] which Taylor says are completely satis.2 Cereijo tells me that great progress was made at meeting over weekend with motion picture cos to whom he has offered five year contract permitting entrance Amer films. No further details yet. Also understand that very satis prelim conference was held 28th with Ultramar whose officials expressed considerable satisfaction. Meeting to be held with Jersey officials later this week. Cereijo met with Robertson3 and McKenzie Sat for prelim talk with view to sale of Amer Fon Power for pesos to be reinvested in Arg in accordance with agreement which wld guarantee status of new investment and transfer of earnings thereon. Ltr from Robertson says Cereijo indicated price not important but insisted that part of proceeds shld be invested in Arg on more or less permanent basis. Both were pleased with interview. Forwarding copy Robertson’s ltr.
Cereijo met 28th with PanAm and discussed a nr of matters including pooling of traffic, rate fixing, increase in advertising budget and construction of hotel in BA. He is going to NY next week to meet with PanAm directors including Gen Marshall for further discussions. Traffic pooling is of course out of question but Cereijo appears to be primarily interested in construction of hotel and tells me he is willing to give necessary legislative authority. Discussions proceding ExImBank.4 [Miller.]
- Not printed.↩
In a memorandum of April 19, 1950, to Mr. Miller, Clarence E. Birgfeld of the Office of East Coast Affairs described this action as follows:
“In March 1950 the Argentine Minister of the Treasury authorized Swift International to transfer its holding company from Argentina. Swift International is now working on the organizational and legal procedures involved. This transfer will eliminate the necessity of profits from Swift International enterprises outside the Argentine going through Argentina, with consequent blocking there, and will thus permit payment of current and past dividends to stock holders.” (611.35/4–2750)
↩ - William S. Robertson, President of the American and Foreign Power Company and Chairman of its Argentine subsidiaries.↩
- In telegram 300 from Buenos Aires, March 31, 1950, marked for personal delivery to Mr. Miller, Ambassador Griffis said in part: “Almost unbelievable your overflowing bucket good news Deptel 182 March 30. You will make an unwillingly great Ambassador out of me yet. However, plans should now be made for prompt air evacuation personnel this Embassy to Falkland Islands or elsewhere in case Export-Import does not perform.” (811.05135/3–3150)↩