637.39/1–2550: Telegram
The Ambassador in Cuba (Butler) to the Secretary of State
51. In conversation with Minister Hevia1 yesterday I mentioned urgent desirability sending Cuban diplomatic representative to Dominican Republic and reestablishing full diplomatic relations.2 Hevia said he quite willing to do so but only on condition Dominican Republic guarantee anyone seeking asylum in Cuban Legation in Ciudad Trujillo (whether criminal or otherwise) would be respected and not molested by Dominican Government (Embassy’s despatch 1062 December 30).3
[Page 650]In interest bringing about early rapprochement between Cuba and Dominican Republic, Department may consider it desirable approach Dominican Government along lines suggested by Hevia. Department’s views would be appreciated.4
Repeated Ciudad Trujillo.
- Carlos Hevia, Minister of State.↩
- Despatch No. 404 from Ciudad Trujillo, November 11, 1949, reported in part that Cuba had had no diplomatic representative in the Dominican Republic since October 22 of that year. (737.39/11–41149)↩
- Not printed. In telegram 60, January 28, 1950, from Habana, Ambassador Butler reported that Ambassador Warren Austin, U.S. Representative to the United Nations, had that day delivered a public address in Habana stressing inter-American cooperative effort and mentioning difficulties arising from the Caribbean situation. “Hevia visibly impressed informed me after luncheon he had decided send Cuban diplomatic representative Ciudad Trujillo immediately and would not wait for assurances he previously demanded from Trujillo.” (637.39/1–2850)↩
- Telegram 59 to Habana, January 26, 1950, stated in part that the Department approved Ambassador Butler’s action and commended his initiative. (601.3730/1–2650) Additional information on U.S. efforts to encourage the maintenance of normal diplomatic relations between Cuba and the Dominican Republic is in file 637.39 for 1950.↩