320/11–3050: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


Gadel 150. Reur 345 and treatment of Indians in South Africa. Dept has given careful consideration Del views on US voting position on res in Plenary. Dept believes US vote in plenary shld be as follows on questionable parts of res:

Vote in favor second operative para;
Abstain on last para preamble;
Support vote in segments on third operative para. Vote against last clause. If last clause not eliminated abstain on para as a whole.
Vote in favor of res as a whole whether or not last para preamble and last clause operative para three are eliminated.1

  1. In the voting on the resolution by the General Assembly in plenary meeting on December 2, the United States Delegation voted as instructed herein except that no plenary vote was held on the third operative paragraph as a whole. For the proceedings of the General Assembly on this matter, see United Nations, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifth Session, Plenary Meetings, vol. i, pp. 529 ff. For the text of the resolution as adopted (Resolution 395 (V)), see United Nations, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifth Session, Resolutions, 19 September to 15 December 1950, p. 24.