353/8–850: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom 1


690. Dept holding conversation Jooste2 here Aug 73 1) ascertain SoAfr plans respecting submission reports on SW Afr pursuant ICJ opinion, 2) encourage SoAfr indicate at 5th GA its willingness report on SW Afr, 3) discuss UN machinery for examining reports. In Dept’s opinion Aug 30 elections SW Afr require immediate approach to avoid possibility extreme statements during election campaign. Types of possible UN machinery to examine reports include TO, new comite GA [Page 476] established especially for purpose, GA 4th Comite, comite experts like Mandates Comm chosen by and reporting to GA or TC. Dept will emphasize importance of SoAfr taking action in accordance ICJ opinion to forestall castigation in GA, prevent SoAfr isolation in UN, and, in view present FE crisis,4 avoid sharp divergencies with Asian nations in GA.

Pls discuss with UK Govt with objective obtaining UK support for Dept’s efforts encourage SoAfr submit reports pursuant ICJ opinion. Telegraph reactions.

  1. Repeated to the United States Mission at the United Nations (USUN) as No. 121 and the Embassy in South Africa for information only as No. 17.
  2. G. P. Jooste, Ambassador of the Union of South Africa in the United States.
  3. This telegram was drafted on August 7. For a report of the conversation, see Department’s telegram 18, August 9, to Pretoria, p. 477.
  4. This is a reference to the outbreak of the war in Korea; for documentation on this subject, see volume vii.