320/1–2350: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State


323. Note received from Foreign Office accepting principle conversations colonial problems proposed Deptel 5016 December 30. Text being forwarded by air.1

We informed Foreign Office that Department has in mind bilateral discussions in Washington probably at Assistant Secretary level with respective Ambassadors of France, Belgium and UK.

We were told that Foreign Office would not be in position to begin consultations before end March which appears to fit in well with Department’s timetable.

Sent Department 323, repeated London 98, Brussels 19.

  1. Transmitted in Paris Embassy’s despatch No. 76, January 24, and received in the Department of State on February 8. In the note, dated January 20, and signed by Foreign Minister Schuman, the French Government also took occasion to repeat its, disquiet at the divergencies between the American and French delegations over colonial issues at the recent session of the General Assembly, and to warn that French authority overseas could not be progressively weakened without seriously adverse effects for the defense of Western interests (320/1–2450).