320/1–350: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State


10. Deptel 4660 to London, repeated Paris 5016, Brussels 1518. While it is not absolutely clear from text that it is Department’s desire that Paris and Brussels approach respective Foreign Offices same time Embassy London makes démarche, we believe that as far as French are concerned, this would be most advisable.

In view joint UK-French-Belgian consultation colonial problems scheduled Paris mid-January, we feel unilateral communication to UK our intentions would undoubtedly become known to other participants, with consequent resentment their part. In general, French highly sensitive regarding any moves which can be interpreted as emphasizing “special relationship” between US and UK. More particularly, they already touchy over our lack previous consultation ItCols problem1 and extremely wary motives our colonial policy. [Page 437] Therefore, approach along lines Deptel 5016 at this time would appear helpful in allaying their suspicions and indicating our goodwill in attempting solve problems before next GA session.2

Sent Department 10, repeated London 5, Brussels 1.

  1. For documentation regarding events relating to the question of the former Italian colonies in 1949, see Foreign Relations, 1949, vol. iv, pp. 526 ff. 1950 developments are scheduled for publication in volume v.
  2. The Paris Embassy was informed on January 3 that it was the Department’s intention for Paris and Brussels as well as London to act on the cable under reference (telegram 8, to Paris, January 3, 320/1–350); Brussels was similarly instructed.