IO Files: US/A/2547

Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. G. Hayden Raynor of the United States Delegation Advisory Staff


Participants: Mr. Vincent Broustra, French Delegation
Mr. Bernard de Menthon, French Delegation1
Mr. Henry Villard, United States Delegation
Mr. Hayden Raynor, United States Delegation

After dinner last evening, we discussed a number of General Assembly questions, and significant observations or comments made by the French are reported below:

United Action for Peace

Broustra led off with mention of Article 51 and discussed the “inherent right of individual or collective self-defense” in relation to the Korean situation and to possible similar contingencies in the future. He thought that Article 51 was the proper section of the Charter to cover cases of aggression pending action by the Security Council, and that it could be developed and strengthened if necessary to meet new needs.
This led to an expression of opinion by Broustra that the Secretary’s proposal was not the proper solution. It was a deviation from the Charter, it was of doubtful legality, it sought to reach its objective by a detour which was outside the Charter and never contemplated by it.
Broustra agreed that the new situation created by Soviet indirect aggression also was not contemplated by the Charter and that something had to be done to meet it. There could be no quarrel with the underlying principles of the Secretary’s approach but only with the method.
Broustra objected particularly to a military “coordinator” as this suggested too much the idea of a “commander,” and questioned the term “peace patrol” or “security patrol.”
In general, Broustra thought the Assembly would not agree to support a proposal involving such fundamental change in the Charter. He displayed definite reserve from French side, and inquired what other reactions we had received. He showed willingness, however, to have US-French consultations in effort to work out some formula which could be accepted by both.

[Here follows very brief discussion of two other matters.]

Hayden Raynor
  1. Messrs. Broustra and de Menthon were Secretary-General and Assistant Secretary-General of the French Delegation, respectively.