315.41/6–1650: telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


313. Pls communicate fol to SYG:

“The United States Government is in possession of evidence that Nicolas J. Kyriazidis has, while serving as correspondent accredited by the United Nations, abused his privileges of residence in activities [Page 56] in this country outside his capacity as accredited United Nations correspondent.

“The United States is therefore of the opinion that Mr. Kyriazidis should not be re-accredited by the United Nations.

“If Mr. Kyriazidis is re-accredited the Government of the United States may find it necessary to institute deportation proceedings or take other action consistent with the terms of the Headquarters Agreement as brought into effect by the exchange of notes between the United States and the United Nations on November 21, 1947.

“The objection of the United States to the continued accreditation of Mr. Kyriazidis is not based on the political beliefs of the subject or those of the newspapers he represents. The United States will, of course, consult with the United Nations with regard to an application for accreditation by the United Nations of another bona fide representative chosen by these newspapers.”

At appropriate time, inform SYG, for his confidential information only, as follows:

“The United States Government has received evidence that Mr. Kyriazidis is acting in the United States as representative of the Greek guerilla forces; that he is one of those directing the activities in the United States of the O.E.N.O. (the Federation of Greek Maritime Unions) and of the Greek-American League for Democracy in Greece; that he has been a contact for Communist groups in Greece with the embassies of several countries in the United States and with the Communist party of the United States.”
