893.00 Yunnan/9–349: Telegram

The Vice Consul at Kunming (Lutkins) to the Secretary of State

146. Kunming tense with rumors of National troops converging on city and possible clash between them and provincial forces. Chiang Ching-kuo26 also rumored to be here attempting to dissuade Lu Han from turning over. French ConGen and I consider such an incident or attempted coup by Lu unlikely at this time.

CAT received orders this morning to evacuate all foreign personnel immediately because of information received from high Chinese Government official in Canton that there would be turn-over in Kunming on September 6. Please check and reply soonest. Have requested radio schedules for Sunday and Monday.

Sent OffEmb Hong Kong 54, repeated Department 146.

  1. Eldest son of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and chairman of Taiwan Provincial Kuomintang Headquarters.