893.00/9–349: Telegram

The Vice Consul at Chungking (McGeary) to the Secretary of State

182. Wong Wei, Georgia-born Chinese Negro presently flying for CAT,25 says he and balance CAT planes personnel evacuated Sining yesterday; that Sining in all probability fell to Communists today; (mytel 179, August 30). Colonel Poston of office of Military Attaché, Hong Kong, told me at airport Sunday, August 28, that General Ma Pu-fang passed through Chungking from Sining Sunday en route Taipei; that Ma did not see Generalissimo; that he talked with Ma’s fourth wife who had evacuated Sining and was en route Ninghsia; Poston mailed report of conversation to Military Attaché, Hong Kong.

Wong states Ma left his son, Ma Chi-yuan, in charge his troops when he left; Ma Chi-yuan arrived Chungking yesterday from Sining having abandoned father’s troops; that Ma sent cavalry toward Lanchow to fight Communists; that they turned about-face and retreated to Sining; that Hu Tsung-nan’s army has simply stood by and watched the Ma generals fight and given no assistance whatsoever; that Ma’s troops have been evacuating to Sining in large numbers and may be expected to disperse in hills beyond since departure of their deputy commander; that troops, some of whom had worked for General Ma for 17 years, are greatly disappointed in departure of both their commanders. Wong stated further that Communists have already started for Ninghsia 3 days by road from Lanchow to liquidate Ma Hung-kwei’s troops; he saw Ma Hung-kwei in Sining recently and Ma looked terrible; his eyes swollen as though he had been crying; he was unable stand alone; two aides assisted him to stand. Wong believes Communists able take Ninghsia within next 2 to 3 weeks in spite desert terrain with no water or food and difficulties crossing Yellow River 30 miles from Ninghsia by raft as there is no bridge and after Ma generals liquidated Communists should have free access to Szechuan for Wong states Hu Tsung-nan’s troops have stood by and watched Ma brothers fight Communists; Hu and his men have lost will to fight. Wong states foreigners nonplussed at rapid defeat of Ma generals in northwest; after meeting of Ma’s with Generalissimo in Taipei, will to fight changed to complete defeatism.

Sent Department; repeated Nanking 166, OffEmb Canton 139.

  1. Civil Air Transport.