Political and military situation in China 1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. vii, pp. 1 ff.
- I. Nationalist and Communist maneuvers regarding conditions for peace;
Chinese Government appeal for four-power mediation and United States
refusal; Communist capture of Tientsin and Peiping; retirement of President
Chiang Kaishek (January 1–23) (Documents 1–90)
- II. Efforts of Acting President Li Tsung-jen to organize peace talks, and
negative attitude of Chinese Communists; unofficial peace delegations from
Nanking and Shanghai; move of Executive Yuan from Nanking to Canton;
friction between Acting President Li and Premier Sun Fo; fall of Sun Fo
Cabinet (January 23–March 14) (Documents 91–214)
- III. Formation of Ho Ying-chin Cabinet; collapse of peace talks between
the Chinese Government and the Chinese Communists at Peiping (March 15-April
22) (Documents 215–310)
- IV. Chinese Communist crossing of the Yangtze; fall of Nanking, Hankow,
Shanghai, Taiyuan; mounting political confusion in Nationalist China (April
22–May 31) (Documents 311–424)
- V. The question of possible aid to the new regime; meeting at Peiping of
the Communist-sponsored Preparatory Committee for the new Political
Consultative Conference; continuing factionalism in Nationalist China (June
1–July 6) (Documents 425–482)
- VI. Increase of activities of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (press
interview, visits to Canton and Chungking, establishment of personal
headquarters on Formosa); visits of Acting President Li Tsung-jen to
Formosa; continuing collapse of National Government’s military positions;
political activities in Communist-occupied China (July 8–September
23) (Documents 483–607)
- VII. Meeting at Peiping of the Communist-sponsored People’s Political
Consultative Conference (PCC); establishment at Peiping of the “Central
People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China” (September 24–October
3) (Documents 608–621)
- VIII. Disintegration of Nationalist armies on mainland; fall of Canton,
Chungking, and Kunming; removal of Nationalist capital to Taipei; continued
impasse between Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and Acting President Li
Tsung-jen; latter’s visit to the United States for medical treatment;
Communist warning regarding Indochina frontier; visit of Mao Tse-tung to
Moscow (October 7–December 31) (Documents 622–740)