894A.00/8–3149: Telegram

The Consul General at Taipei (Macdonald) to the Secretary of State

Following observations from 4–day visit Amoy 2 [23?]–27 August. General alarm over impending Communist attack Amoy. Local business and foreign sources expect Communist capture city first or second week September. New Fukien Governor, General Tang En-po, stated Chinese Nationalists not to evacuate Amoy but take offensive and attempt recapture Foochow. Plans include joint Army–Navy occupation of Fukien coastal islands as bases for naval blockade Fukien. However, river junk traffic indicating withdrawal Nationalist troops from interior. C–3 sources report removal certain units of 22nd Group Army from Amoy. Air reconnaissance over Amoy entrance islands including Quemoy and Little Quemoy Islands revealed no important troop dispositions. Twelve recently-built pillboxes noted along west coast of Quemoy islands. Numerous pillboxes observed along Kulangsu and Amoy Island coastlines. Chinese Navy slowly evacuating Amoy. LST Chung Lien alongside Butterfield and Swire wharf loading Chinese Naval Academy gear. One-third of student personnel already transferred Tsoying. Amoy Naval Dockyard equipment and stock largely crated, awaiting shipment Taiwan. 26 August Chinese Navy source reported Amoy naval patrol station including radio station ordered Quemoy Islands. Small marines unit officially reported quartered Quemoy. Navy drilling wells there insure fresh water supply. Chinese Navy to clear Fukien waters of all large junks in order to forestall Communist landings on Amoy and coastal islands occupied by Nationalists. Communists reported to have concentrated troops and [Page 513] junks at Putien in preparation landing Amoy. 26 August RCS[PG?] Chu Kuan returned Amoy after one day’s reconnaissance Fukien coast. Naval vessels present 23–27 August: AMS Nan An, Yung Sheng, LST Chung Lien, LSM Mei Ho, PG Chu Kuan, ex-Japanese vessel Wu Ling. Source C–3 reported upwards dozen Japanese mine-casings shipped Takao from Amoy. Official Navy stated 30 Japanese torpedoes in storage launching tubes. Signed Shahin.11

Department pass CNO/DNI12 and for information to ComNavFe,13 Com7thTaskFlt,14 CinCPac;15 repeated ALUSNA,16 Nanking AstALUSNA17 Canton.

  1. Lt. (jg.) Edward S. Shahin.
  2. Chief of Naval Operations, Office of Naval Intelligence.
  3. Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Far East.
  4. Commander, 7th Task Fleet.
  5. Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces in the Pacific.
  6. Naval Attaché for Air in China.
  7. Assistant Naval Attaché for Air in China.