893.00B/8–3049: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Strong) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 1053. Contents of telCan 618, August 24, were today communicated to Han Li-wu in manner suggested therein.

Han stated that he is not being subjected to supervision by any other government organ or official in his battle for the Chinese mind, but he is going ahead as his conscience dictates, making it plain to both Generalissimo and Li factions that he considers they should unite at this late stage. Although his program is limited by unavailability of significant sums of money, he feels that what he is able to obtain is adequate in view of the great caution with which he is obliged to select and utilize personnel. He also recognizes that even if the US were to contribute financially to the Chinese Government specifically for his program, it is doubtful that more than a portion of the funds would be passed on for his use. Han volunteered his understanding that it was first up to China to show success in these measures before raising question of assistance.

[Page 512]

According to Han, Hu Shih has already edited one pamphlet of “Free China” and has himself written another. However, before undertaking further writing of this type, Hu desires to be released from his nominal post as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and has asked Han to speak to President Li with this in view. Han asserts that Hu will then devote considerable effort in this direction.

Han declares CAF now carrying out air drops his written material in Communist territory at points en route to bombing objectives and also over such objectives. So far no special flights have been made for the purpose disseminating propaganda. Pamphlets have also been mailed to important personages in Communist territory, but, as expected, few apparently reached the addressees view of the absence of responses.
