893.00B/8–1849: Telegram

The Consul General at Hong Kong (Hopper) to the Secretary of State

582. There is increasing evidence that Li Tsung-jen, probably mainly at instigation Pai Chung-hsi, has rejected idea of accommodation with Communists and plans continue hostilities longest possible (re Shanghai telegram 3224, August 13 to Department). This attitude sharp contrast to that of Liu Fei, Huang Shao-hsiung, Chang Chien-hua and other former close supporters [garble] Hong Kong who strongly advocate peaceful settlement and advise Li capitulate. Thus, in our view, we can no longer properly speak of “Hong Kong group Li Tsung-jen supporters”. Although door still open Li join this group, believe time past when Li could surrender on terms acceptable both Communists and himself.

Sent Department 582, repeated Nanking 43, Shanghai 120, Department pass Peiping unnumbered.
