893.00/8–1849: Telegram

The Consul General at Hong Kong (Hopper) to the Secretary of State

581. On August 15 … source was informed by usually reliable informant … [that] manifesto referred to in ConGen telegram 578,92 … was essentially propaganda for CCP consumption, aiming persuade Communists enlist support of signers in new coalition government. Initial Communist response leads signers believe move possibly successful. If Communists agree, they plan join new government, if possible as bloc, and will try gain adherence all remnants Kmt not attached KmtRC.93 Also plan throw all possible support behind Chou En-lai whom they characterize as leader CCP faction favoring accommodation with western powers. Hope secure political appointments southwest China, mainly Kwangsi and Yunnan, and try create base in that area. Hope secure military support in Communist army through connections Whampoa generals who signed manifesto.

Informant stated group pro-American and hoped to be bridge between Chou En-lai and U.S. However, if necessary to convince Communists of their sincerity, they will temporarily adopt anti-American propaganda line. Informant claimed position taken in manifesto was gaining large support from prominent non-Communist personalities, particularly military men and it was intended these persons and others join with manifesto signers formally form political party.

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In conclusion, informants stated he and colleagues had noted with great interest expressed intention American Government aid democratic groups China. Considered he and colleagues qualified this denomination and said believed logic of situation would sooner or later force US cooperate with movement of which he part. Said anxious maintain contacts American officials on information level, but also anxious explore in tangible and practical way possibilities for covert cooperative political activity.

Source expressed appreciation for above information, promised report to Department and stated would continue maintain contact and devise means keep same if informant and colleagues should leave Hong Kong. Source received distinct impression informant and friends not in close or direct contact with Hong Kong CCP leaders.

  1. August 18, supra.
  2. Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee.