893.00/8–1749: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 977. Ma Pu-fang is returning Lanchow tomorrow August 18 in disgust. In brief conversation this morning, Ma said his short visit Canton and Formosa (where he and Hu Tsung-nan saw Generalissimo) for purpose obtaining arms and ammunition has been complete flop. With complete frankness he volunteered view Canton Government is totally worthless, hopeless organization, expert only in passing bureaucratic buck. Expressing appreciation for US concern over China, Ma said US must not give further aid to Central Government but to individual commanders who, like himself, care about common people and have shown they can fight Communists.

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Ma said simply he is going back to Lanchow to fight Communists with what he has. Admitting that Hu Tsung-nan was “little lacking” in cooperative spirit, Ma said Hu must fight—or else.
