893.00 Yunnan/8–1649: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 965. James Brennan of CAT86 stated August 16 that CAT’s Chinese representatives in Kunming—ex-Tai Li87 men—came from Kunming to Canton August 15 and stated Yunnan Governor Lu Han is preparing go over to Communists. He has up to now been reported sitting on the fence. They anticipate his defection may take place within a week. Vice President Willauer of CAT has flown to Kunming, where CAT has extensive installations.

Sent Department, repeated Kunming 18.

  1. Civil Air Transport.
  2. Deputy Director of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics (security), Chinese National Commission of Military Affairs, killed in an airplane crash, 1946.