893.00/8–1749: Telegram

The Consul General at Taipei (Macdonald) to the Secretary of State

393. REFerence Canton’s telegram 923, August 11 to Department, repeated TAIPEI 112. On August 15 Chiang Yun-tien (Democratic Socialist Party) called and inquired what US attitude would be towards true democratic party and if it could expect US assistance. His statements were remarkably similar to ones mentioned in second paragraph Canton’s telegram 923 to Department.

I told Chiang US is most anxious to see a democratic government that will resist Communism and govern the country in best interests of China and its people. In my estimation, I added, such a government [would?] receive sympathetic consideration by the US Government in connection with American assistance.

Chiang Yun-tien previously unknown to me. He claims to have been an advisor to the Acting President but now inactive Taipei.

Sent Department 393, repeated Canton 187.
