893.00/8–1649: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State 85

Cantel 964. Chu Chang-wei, Secretary-General President’s office and political advisor Li Tsung-jen, made further plea today for support Li when inevitable split with Generalissimo comes. He says Li has endeavored play role “great moderator” in his efforts bring together all elements in resistance Communism. In demeaning himself to compromise with Generalissimo, Li has sought set example others and discourage clique and individual bickering. Conference other day Canton between Ma Pu-fang, Ma Hung-kuei and Hu Tsung-nan had been called by Li in effort put stop their differences which, Chu says, are based on mutual distrust, but Li’s efforts met with only moderate success. Ma Pu-fang, says Chu, is most ambitious and thoroughly disgruntled at appointment Ma Hung-kuei Governor Kansu, which incidentally Chu says was Generalissimo appointment. In other words, we [Page 492] can expect continued bickering northwest to benefit Communist purpose.

Situation Canton, which was already bad, has, according Chu, been aggravated by Generalissimo’s insistence appointment Li Chi-lan [as] garrison commander Canton, which has caused indignation on part Yu Han-mou, Commander Pacification Headquarters Canton, and Hsueh Yueh, Governor Kwangtung, and in resignation and alienation Yeh Shao, former garrison commander closely allied with underground, and Li Fu-lan, who controls pirating and smuggling activities Pearl River delta.

Chu admitted quite frankly that Pai Chung-hsi planned fight only rear guard action, conserving his troops and supplies for last ditch stand southwest China. He said it was not at all certain that government would move Chungking when Canton becomes untenable. Kunming, Yunnan, is definitely being considered, Chu saying situation there was nothing like as bad as some people thought and he left me with definite impression [garble] is in consultation with Lu Han, Governor Yunnan, re establishing temporary capital Kunming. Should Kunming become untenable, Li envisages establishing capital Kweiyang, Kweichow, or somewhere in Kwangsi. Chu says Pai Chung-hsi will hold Kwangchowwan and Pakhoi at all costs so as have access sea.

With this background, Chu admitted Li would under no circumstances go Taiwan [and be] subservient Generalissimo. He envisages that time will come when Generalissimo will rule resistance forces Taiwan and Li Tsung-jen will rule similar forces southwest China. Li hopes desperately that we will support him in Southwest China equally with Generalissimo in Taiwan and that we will not let diplomatic and legalistic niceties lead US different course. Obviously Li fears when time comes for him set up his government southwest China, present government may disintegrate with many seeking sanctuary under aegis Generalissimo. Li feels he represents liberal forces and has much better chance rallying eventual forces resistance on mainland than has Generalissimo. It is for this reason he spoke as he did to me as reported Cantel 886, August 6, repeated Nanking 584, Shanghai 479, Taipei 97, and that he wrote Dr. Stuart in similar vein on August 9.

As I prepare leave China, therefore, course immediate future events seems clear: The land in northwest can be written off as of no other than nuisance value. Szechuan, where Chang Chun is bickering with Governor Wang and each of about 12 war lords is fending for himself, can be written off whenever Communists attack. There is slight possibility that Li Tsung-jen, supported by armies Pai Chung-hsi, will succeed in establishing himself with claim to legitimacy as head of government somewhere in southwest China. Generalissimo will remain entrenched on Taiwan with his Kmt Director [Page 493] General’s office, which with its 8 sections is in fact a government and which may through emergence Generalissimo that time have semblance at least of legitimacy. We may find ourselves confronted with necessity choosing between two, yet with traditional ability Chinese adapt themselves to unusual situation, Li and Generalissimo may adjust themselves in some way and save us that embarrassment.

Sent Department Cantel 964, repeated Nanking 635, Shanghai 501, Taipei 128.

  1. Text printed from corrected copy received August 18, 2 a. m.