125.351/9–849: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk)66

635. Dairen tel 276 Sept 8 to Dept being rptd separately to you urges immed action re closing Consulate and withdrawal staff in view expected change in status Dairen city, which if carried out prior withdrawal staff wld probably greatly complicate problem.

Pls convey personally message along fol lines Vyshinsky67 or in his absence Acting FonMin.

Owing to obstacles to functioning US consulate Dairen, including extreme difficulty or impossibility effecting transfers personnel, maintaining courier service, sending supplies and funds, US Govt has instructed Consul Paddock Dairen close consulate and withdraw immed with staff from Dairen. In view this decision US Govt requests Sov Govt instruct officials Dairen facilitate closing office departure staff.

Specifically US Govt requests Sov cooperation in issuance exit permits Consul Paul Paddock, Vice Consul Culver Gleysteen, and Chi members staff of consulate. Consul Paddock and Vice Consul Gleysteen will travel as couriers and will be provided with identification as such. It is assumed that their personal and official baggage will be exempt from customs examination. Chi staff members referred to above will fol[lowing] their departure from Dairen be assigned other Amer consular posts. Those not possessing valid Chi passports owing difficulty communications with Dairen will be provided by Consulate Dairen with suitable identifying documents in lieu passports.

With respect transportation facilities from Dairen, US Govt wld appreciate being informed as matter of urgency whether Sov Govt prefers Consul Paddock and staff depart by means of (a) Sov vessel, (b) fon vessel under Sov charter, or (c) unarmed US Govt vessel. If departure by means (a) or (b) it is requested Sov Govt make necessary arrangements immed and if vessel proceeding via Vladivostok or other Sov port, that Sov Govt issue appropriate transit visas, laissez passers and courier lists. If departure by means (b) it suggested Panamanian vessel under Sov charter now reportedly in Dairen be used.

Owing urgency and importance which it attaches this matter, Dept considers it desirable that Amb deliver message along foregoing lines soonest and press for immed reply. If Amb unable obtain appointment or if other evidence Sov stalling, Pls inform Dept at once in order that Dept can convey similar message to Sov Amb Wash.68

  1. Repeated to the Consul at Dairen as telegram No. 137.
  2. A. Ya. Vyshinsky, Soviet Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  3. A. S. Panyushkin.