125.351/9–1049: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul at Dairen (Paddock)
138. ReDeptel 131, Sept 2 [1]. Fol instrs for guidance closing ur post.
Auth[orized] evacuate or sell motor vehicles, typewriters and other office machines, office and household furniture. Deposit proceeds sale passenger-carrying vehicles special deposit Acct 19F5796, proceeds trucks, jeeps, typewriters, other office machines Acct 1906690, proceeds other items Misc Receipts Acct 195196. If unable evacuate or sell auth place custody friendly fon power US Govt property left behind. Inform Dept re this. Dept doubts advisability evacuation large pieces furniture equipment since evacuation costs probably greater than value property.
In ur discretion, evacuate or destroy seals, stamps, blank passports, blank certificates identity registration, fee stamps, crypto material, stationery bearing official insignia, letterheads, files and archives. Furnish Dept certificates on items destroyed. Evacuate all accts, especially those not cleared GAO for protection clearance financial responsibilities.
Auth evacuate Chi staff imported to Dairen and such other loyal local employees whose life wld be endangered and otherwise jeopardized by remaining Dairen result working for Cons. However, Dept believes preferable personnel employed locally Dairen might be discharged there. For employees discharged, make lump sum payments accordance FSRegs. Auth make severance payments local employees based local custom, i.e., severance payment approx 2 or 3 months salary those discharged; no lump sum or severance payments payable those evacuated. Dept will attempt place evacuated Chi employees Taipei or Hongkong. Tel Dept soonest names local employees being evacuated and possible destinations.
To enable you refund Civil Service retirement deductions plus interest immed to local employees being discharged, tel full name each employee carried on payroll followed by gross dollar amt retirement deductions Dec 26, 1948 through probable date separation. Dept will compute total deduction and interest for period service and inform by tel amt to be refunded by post. Full instrs for payment by post accordance FSS 726, Aug 21, 1947 will be given when payment auth. State n[umbe]r years service for each local employee and indicate if additional service credit purchased.
As of date post officially closed furnish Dept, if possible, form FS–354 reporting departure personnel, termination allowances ur post; submit that time statement unobligated balances remaining each allotment by object class for withdrawal by Dept.
[Page 912]Maintain radio contact until departure; if impossible evacuate radio, destruction auth. Do not permit radio equipment fall into Commie hands intact.
[In] view shortage funds ur post cld Dept transfer needed amts for local needs by tel through local bank or Moscow bank. If necessary and feasible, inform Dept amt to be transferred. Also inform Dept need for funds at Vladivostok or other port entry after departure Dairen so that Dept can arrange transfer funds to you that point if necessary.
Charge expenses closing office allotment OA–223043 (and OM–423043 for any USIE payments) except lump sum payments, refund retirement deductions, severance pay local employees. Use local employee salary allotment for lump sum and severance payments. Allotment for refund CS retirement deductions will be given after receipt urtel giving amts deductions requested above.
TO’s covering consultation Dept Paddock Gleysteen being telegraphed separately however do not delay departure awaiting orders.
If unable follow completely above procedure, auth proceed most feasible means close office ur discretion.
Keep Dept informed and indicate when last message sent.
Inform Nanking names destinations local employees to be evacuated so that Nanking can issue evacuation TO’s.
If possible, ascertain tel Dept next destination Panamanian vessel in port. If SCAP69 clearance forthcoming immed cld German refugees depart this or other vessel?
Sent Dairen, repeated Moscow, Nanking.
- Supreme Commander, Allied Powers in Japan (MacArthur).↩