125.351/9–949: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

2255. Reference Department’s decision close Consulate Dairen (Deptel 613, September 164), Embassy suggests that as alternative [Page 909] use naval vessel for evacuation personnel and effects (Embtel 2093, August 19) consideration be given despatch one or more planes for this purpose. Since use military planes less likely receive Soviet approval, perhaps arrangements could be made charter commercial plane or planes.

Embassy notes Dairen funds virtually exhausted (Dairen’s 256, August 29 to Department65) and wonders whether as precautionary measure advantage should not be taken of recent Soviet offer provide air transportation couriers Tokyo–Vladivostok (Deptel 605, August 3065) prior to making any public or formal move re closing Dairen. This would ensure availability funds during what might be protracted period of negotiations re evacuation personnel and would also enable carefully selected courier (preferably a Russian area expert like McSweeney) to make survey Dairen situation in consultation with Paddock and Gleysteen who have been working under handicap of almost complete isolation from outside world for more than year. Upon completion this task, courier could proceed Tokyo or other appropriate post to act as principal field coordinator in implementation evacuation plan. Principal courier might be accompanied by assistant qualified in technical aspects air transportation if that means evacuation to be given serious consideration. Embassy recognizes that round-trip couriers might take several weeks and thus appear delay closing Consulate, but from standpoint funds and morale Dairen courier project might well be indispensable preliminary evacuation.

Embassy agrees with Dairen that only by pressure on Soviet Foreign Office (Dairen’s 263, September 3 [5] to Department) is there any likelihood obtaining exit visas for Chinese employees Consulate and is prepared to raise this question when Department authorizes transmission note Soviet Foreign Office re closing Dairen (Embtel 2093). This connection Embassy would appreciate fullest information re length service with US Government of Chinese employees, posts at which service rendered and post to which Soviet may be told employees are being transferred. Even though transfer only hypothetical, suggest choice Hong Kong for obvious reasons. Re chauffeur and messenger (Dairen’s 263 to Department), Embassy seriously doubts wisdom trying to evacuate these locally employed Chinese who presumably are long time residents Dairen. To include them may jeopardize possibility obtaining exit visas for the Chaos, who present much better case and to whom Embassy understands certain commitments were made at the time their assignment Dairen.

Sent Department 2255, repeated Dairen 33, Nanking 96, Tokyo 37, Hong Kong 2.

  1. Same as telegram No. 131 to Dairen, p. 903.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.