501.BB Palestine(E)/10–1249: Telegram
The Chargé in Saudi Arabia (Hill) to the Secretary of State
606. I was received at Foreign Office this morning by YY1 after brief wait because he delayed in conference with British Chargé.
We renewed conversations on points in Embtel 585 September 302 with following results:
- 1.
- Economic Survey Mission. YY said British Chargé had recently come to see him second time strongly urging that SAG reverse its stand and receive mission. However, he had been in Mecca previous night with King and discussed whole matter with him at length and wished to state that SAG position remained unchanged (Embtel 585 September 30, paragraph 6).
YY remarked that SAG is convinced real objective of ESM is to seek means disposing refugee problem by resettling them in various Arab states thus doing away with one of principal reasons for Arabs continuing their fight against Israel (this apparently a new thought but somewhat in line with YY’s views as reported Embassy A–354 August 29).2
I said that important future benefits might be forthcoming from ESM and that USG hoped SAG would send observers ESM which has Headquarters in Beirut and remarked that I understood Fuad Bey Hamza now in Beirut. YY replied this correct and added that Fuad would make excellent representative for SAG. He inquired if ESM now holding any meetings in Beirut. I replied did not know but presumed that if not already soon would be. Then I asked if I could inform Department that Fuad will be SAG representative to ESM. YY replied I could say he is recommending him immediately and anticipates favorable decision. (This paragraph being repeated London as Embtel 88 October 12 and Beirut as 13.)3
[Here follows discussion of other subjects.]
- Yusuf Yassin.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Fuad Hamza, on November 22, informed Ambassador Childs that he had not been appointed observer with the Economic Survey Mission and that Mr. Clapp had not called on him. In view of his return to Beirut in a few days, the Ambassador “urged him endeavor consult with Clapp informally and frankly. I said I believed it mistake for SAG in its own best interests not to have some contact with ESM. He promised see Clapp on his return and cooperate with him in every possible way informally.” (telegram 690, November 23, 10 a. m., from Jidda, 501.BB Palestine(E)/11–2349)↩