501.BB Palestine(E)/10–1349: Telegram
The Minister in Lebanon (Pinkerton) to the Secretary of State
539. Simes 17. [From Clapp.]
1. Discussions ESM with Sharett, Horowitz, Kaplan et al held at Tel Aviv in three long conferences. Sunday night (ninth) with Sharett and Israeli liaison committee headed by Horowitz. I explained purpose of first visit:
- (a)
- To get facts about 30,000 Arab and 18,000 Jewish refugees now receiving UN relief and to learn what government doing with and for them. I explained idea of temporary works program and asked their interest leading to economic assimilation Arabs now in Israel.
- (b)
- To urge them more substantial acceptance of repatriation agreement established in UNGA resolution than Israel had proposed to PCC.
- (c)
- To obtain current views re compensation and to urge agreement to reconsider position making compensation part of general peace settlement and linking it with claims for indemnity.
- (d)
- Appealed to Israelis to demonstrate validity of high moral professions by implementing UN resolution on repatriation and compensation.
- (e)
- To lay basis for exploration long-range development after interim report completed on refugee relief and works.
Response was long lecture on Arab responsibility for Arab-Jewish war and Israeli history from Moses to date. They defended unwillingness to repatriate in accord UNGA resolution by citing Arab refusal to accept UN partition. Sharett hinted doubt that offer between PCC to repatriate 100,000 Arabs could be carried out because of strong reaction of public and military chiefs against government’s offer to PCC. Position on compensation unchanged as stated to PCC.1
Monday morning (tenth). Again with Sharett, Horowitz et al. Horowitz presented at great length desirability and feasibility of resettling Arabs in Syria and Transjordan. I advised him that resettlement as solution had been made next to impossible even to discuss with Arab States, in fact because Israelis had identified it as their proposal.
[Page 1426]Monday night. We got down to business about Arab refugees now in Israel. Arrangements made for staff to examine condition, number, work opportunities, etc. ESM will consider facts obtained as measure of practical problem of repatriation.
2. Please advise Marguerite Owen, TVA, Washington of my return Beirut.
Sent Department 539, repeated Tel Aviv 28. [Clapp.]
- Mr. Clapp’s reaction to his talks with the Israeli leaders was reported by the Manchester Guardian on October 12. In an article datelined Lydda the previous day, he was said to be “‘disappointed’ with Israel’s attitude to Arab refugee repatriation and compensation problems.… In Israel my hopes have not been realised.” (airgram 1871, October 14, from London, 501.BB Palestine (E)/10–1449)↩