501.BB Palestine/9–1449: Telegram
Mr. Stuart W. Rockwell to the Secretary of State
Palun 320. 1. In final meetings with chiefs all delegations September 12 PCC delivered notes containing observations and suggestions re Arab and Israeli replies to PCC questionnaire (Palun 303).1
Notes to both parties, after making number minor observations on specific points raised in replies, stated PCC did not believe would be useful at present offer detailed suggestions re refugees, since desired await ESM (Economic Survey Mission) report.
Notes then referred fact both parties had accepted May 12 protocol as basis for discussion territorial question, on understanding such discussion would bear upon adjustments which would be necessary make in order achieve agreement. PCC had come to conclusion Arab and Israeli territorial proposals exceeded limits of what might be considered in broadest sense as adjustments to May 12 map. PCC consequently requested delegations and their governments to reexamine question and hoped that when work resumed in New York PCC would find new proposals a practical working basis.
Notes then stated PCC held firm view that if governments did not make substantial modifications in proposals or advance new suggestions would be very difficult or even impossible carry on constructive negotiations re territory. PCC felt would be premature for it to present to parties any proposals involving more specific indications re such modifications. PCC felt, however, modifications should bear not only on territories claimed by Israelis and Arabs which lie outside boundaries allotted to them on May 12 map, but also upon territories allotted to them on same map.
Notes informed all delegations of PCC conviction that no excessive territorial demands should be allowed impede establishment normal conditions of political and economic life in NE.
[Page 1388]2. Delegates orally informed PCC requesting government’s members PCC make representations in Israel and interested Arab States to emphasize importance member governments and PCC attached to submission by governments concerned of new and more flexible proposals on territory in order provide practical basis for discussions New York. Therefore, hope that Department after consultation with French and Turkish Foreign Offices re coordination will be able make such representations in near future.