Editorial Note
The Fourth Progress Report of the Palestine Conciliation Commission covered its activities for the period June 9 to September 15. After reviewing its efforts involving conciliation, the refugee question and the territorial question, it concluded as follows: “The Conciliation Commission hopes that, upon the resumption of its work in New York on 19 October 1949, it will receive from the Arab and Israel delegations replies to its note of 12 September 1949, which will be of a nature to permit the successful pursuit of its efforts to conciliate the points of view of the parties. The Commission also places great hope in the assistance of the Economic Mission, whose first report is expected at the end of October, in connexion with the solution of the outstanding questions, in particular the poignant problem of the refugees.”
The full text of the Fourth Progress Report is printed in GA, 4th sess., Ad Hoc Political Committee, Annex, 1949, volume II, page 9.
Regarding the note of September 12, see telegram Palun 320, September 14, from Lausanne, supra.