501.BB Palestine/5–2349: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Switzerland


673. Unpal 113. For Ethridge. Fol exploratory suggestions put forward for your comment re composition proposed PCC Survey Group. Group would consist nine men as fols:

Chief: Outstanding US businessman with top level govt experience, not connected any partisan NE movement and with great prestige with US Govt. Cong, public, financial community and private organizations.
Deputy: Outstanding Brit national, preferably with long NE, but nonpartisan experience, possibly top civil servant who has received high honors.

[Here follow the remaining seven suggestions, comprising outstanding persons in the fields of finance, industry, and trade; agriculture; construction and public works; community services; administration; refugee problems and legal problems.]

[Page 1047]

Of substantive principals at least one shld be French. Other experts can be utilized as desired on loan or consultant basis from US (some possibly under Point 4), UK (some from BMEO), UN, and other member govts and int. orgs. Group would not be created, of course, until Israelis and Arab states assume appropriate responsibilities re repatriation and resettlement, respectively, and agreed to cooperate fully with Group. In connection with comments request your suggestions as to candidates, which also under consideration by Dept. Proposed terms of reference will follow.
