501.BB Palestine/5–2349: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


627. When sounded out at Department’s request re his return to Near East for Syrian-Israeli negotiations (Damascus 288, May 19), Bunche said that if he entered negotiations personally it would short circuit his immediate aim of forcing a meeting between Ben-Gurion and Zaim. He thought there was little use in further discussions between present Israeli and Syrian representatives; that the question needed to be taken to higher level.

Bunche, together with Riley, who came to New York today, is drafting a new set of proposals which will be available to USUN May 24 for comment prior to their dispatch to Vigier.

His plan is to send these to the field with a suggestion that Ben-Gurion and Zaim negotiate on this basis. Bunch will inform both parties that if his proposal for such negotiation is not accepted, he will turn the matter over to the SC. He will point out to Israelis that they will be in a very weak position in that event.

Bunche reiterated that Zaim must have a quid pro quo from Israelis because of his domestic situation. As Bunche recently informed Sharett, Israelis cannot expect Syrian withdrawal unless they are willing to make some concessions.
