501.BB Palestine/5–1649: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Switzerland
us urgent
674. Unpal 114. (For Ethridge eyes only.) Ref ur Sec 5 para 2 Palun 151 May 16, US cannot, of course, give general commitment for development program in Near East in connection with refugee problem. Following shld, however, provide you support requested. Pres has made decision to recommend Cong that this Government will within UN framework support program for repatriation and resettlement Pal refugees which is satisfactory to US with financial and technical assistance subject to following conditions:
- 1.
- Upon plan forthcoming from PCC or UN that has reasonable chance for success at reasonable cost.
- 2.
- Upon full acceptance by Arabs and Israelis of responsibilities involved and upon their active cooperation in carrying out agreed plan.
- 3.
- Upon appropriate assistance from int and other sources. In this connection you should make clear to Arabs and Israelis and other PCC members that such US financial assistance as may be forthcoming will be contingent upon satisfactory contributions by other interested parties.
New approach to Cong for funds for refugee problem not possible this session; however, executive will put request before Cong at earliest opportunity following development satisfactory overall UN program, and informal agreement with other countries as to what their financial contributions will be. You are authorized utilize foregoing in effort obtain agreements by Israel and Arab states to repatriate and resettle respectively, number of refugees specified in Palun 151. You should, however, keep US commitment in as general and informal terms as possible and make no commitment as to specific US contribution. It should be clear that program contemplated by Pres consists for most [Page 1048] part in relief and wage payments for refugees and cost of refugee resettlement projects, which will of course benefit countries concerned, but contains only limited development projects not associated directly with refugees. Dept desires not make any more formal undertaking or public statement at this time, but wld prefer oral commitment if possible. If, however, in your judgment written commitment becomes necessary, form of commitment shld be cleared with Dept.1
- This telegram was repeated to London as No.
1789. It was also sent, on May 27, to Arab capitals and Tel Aviv
“for background info only.” (circular telegram, 501.BB
The Department, on May 27, authorized London to inform the Foreign Office of the substance of No. 1789 but directed the Embassy to “make clear to Brit that Pres’ decision does not prejudge or predetermine respective contributions to such program by US, UK and other interested parties. Dept believes question of principles to govern contributions by UK and other sources shld form subject early discussion between US and UK, perhaps in Washington.” (telegram 1846, 501.BB Palestine/5–2749)