501.BB Palestine/5–2049: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Switzerland 1


658. Unpal 109. For Ethridge. [Re] Palun 1532 Dept agrees all suggested changes Proposed Plan of Action Pal Refugee problem except elimination economic survey group which has been implicit in Dept plans and discussions with British since Embtel 128 of Mar 22 from Beirut. See also Deptel 652 (Unpal 106) of May 19. Such a group appears necessary to make authoritative recommendations re distribution of refugees, selection and priority of development projects, cost of program and sources of financing, and to provide an integrated regional economic and development plan. Group would, as indicated proposed plan, have a broader focus than refugees. Members of group, particularly head, must be outstanding in their respective fields and representative proper interests UN member states and Int orgs if their recommendations are to bear proper weight with GA, US Cong and public, other UN states, Int Bank and other Int and private orgs who can contribute to program. Wherever practicable it is envisaged having appropriate Int body furnish technical man, i.e., Int Bank would furnish financial expert. It is doubted if recommendations PCC staff technical group of type now being recruited would carry sufficient [Page 1039] weight with all concerned to assure acceptance of program. Agree PCC staff technical group might carry to conclusion studies re refugee aspects of problem including initial studies on organization of any permanent refugee agency, if this is decision; however, Dept feels that broader economic aspects could be better dealt with by separate body such as envisaged as survey group.

  1. This telegram was repeated to London.
  2. Identified also as telegram 742, May 16, from Bern, not printed; it suggested various changes in the wording of the proposed plan of action, p. 939.