501.BB Palestine/5–2049: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Switzerland


Unpal 110. For Lausanne. We agree (Palun 1531) ur proposal France and Turkey join US and UK in concerted program urge Israel and Arabs face refugee problem constructively through repatriation and resettlement. Pls outline to Yalcin and Boisanger genl nature our approaches Israel and Arabs (Depcirtel Apr 29, 5 p. m. and Unpal 85, Apr 28), informing them Dept concurs your view re desirability parallel approaches by French and Turkish Govts and requesting that they so inform their Govts earliest opportunity. In absence instrs this subject to French and Turk missions Washington, we believe approach by you speedier and more effective.

  1. See footnote 2, p. 1038.