867N.01/2–349: Telegram
The Minister in Saudi Arabia (Childs) to the Secretary of State
87. Deputy Foreign Minister after giving message conveyed Legtel 861 said if Legation’s assurances in Deptel 372 particularly paragraph 4 could be conveyed SAG in writing, this would very much facilitate and pave way for King use his moderating counsel with Arab States as suggested Deptel 30.3 Replied Legation without authority give assurances in writing but would refer Department possible authorization.
Yusuf added paragraph 4 assurances were good but did not go far enough in his opinion to create sense of security Arab States. He instanced violation by Jews truce and efforts made SC to vote economic sanctions with US opposition.
I remarked neither US Government nor any other government would wish bind itself to any particular course of action against Palestine aggression and Yusuf admitted this. What SAG is asking is some assurance which we may feel it possible offer that measures recommended SC against Jewish aggression would not be opposed by US Government by reason possible Jewish pressure on US Government but only by reason doubts re their efficacy.4
Sent Department 87, repeated London 30.
- Dated February 3, not printed; it conveyed the text of a message from King Ibn Saud stating that he was making every effort for peace in Palestine but that what had happened there was the result of aggression and of injustice to its local inhabitants. The King expressed the hope that the United States would instruct its representative on the Conciliation Commission to make every effort to give the Arabs their rights and to help them regain their confidence in the justice and equity of the United States Government. The Department replied on February 7, directing Minister Childs to inform the King that the United States representative on the Conciliation Commission had been “instructed make every effort assist parties reach just and equitable solution Palestine problem.” (telegram 50) Both messages are filed under 867N.01/2–349.↩
- Dated January 29, p. 712.↩
- Dated January 28; not printed, but see footnote 3, p. 626.↩
- The Departments reply on February 7 instructed that if Yusuf brought up the subject again, Minister Childs was to “state with appropriate expression regret that USG not in position unilaterally give written assurances since UN seized of Palestine problem and US working in concert with other members UN to achieve solution.” (telegram 49, 501.BB Palestine/2–349)↩