761.91/2–1549: Telegram
The Chargé in Iran (Somerville) to the Secretary of State
168. Following official statement broadcast last night by Radio Tehran:
“Soviet Ambassador to Iran, Mr. Sadtchikov, in meeting with Iran Foreign Minister Saturday, February 12, protested against a part of statement made by Minister Health, Dr. Eqbal, in Majlis (National Assembly) on February 5. Mr. Sadtchikov stated Dr. Eqbal read documents which accused the Russians of interference in activities of political parties in Iran. Soviet Ambassador added purpose of reading said documents was to harm relations between Iran and Soviet Union and to please foreign circles. He also submitted an aide-mémoire on this statement. In reply Iran Foreign Minister explained statement Dr. Eqbal made in Majlis was merely confined to reading [Page 481] extracts from diary of Nasser Fakhr Arai1 (who made unsuccessful attempt on life His Imperial Majesty) which was discovered at his house and was in his own hand. By reading these extracts His Imperial Majesty’s Government had no ulterior motive. Furthermore, Iran Government not only did not intend any unfriendly feelings toward Soviet Union but on contrary endeavors establish understanding and cordial relations between the two neighboring countries in order that peoples of two countries may enjoy peace and comfort through goodwill both governments.
“A reply to the aide-mémoire based on this statement was today submitted to Soviet Embassy by Minister Foreign Affairs”.
Broadcast then quoted extensively from strong editorial in independent daily Keihan for February 12 of which full text being transmitted to Department by despatch.
Under Secretary Foreign Affairs confirmed to Embassy today that account of Soviet protest given in foregoing broadcast was substantially correct.
Sent Department 168, repeated London 31, Moscow 17.
- Chargé Somerville,
on February 14, advised of information from the Iranian
Prime Minister the previous evening that the “Soviet
Ambassador had called on Foreign Minister two days ago to
protest statements made by Minister of Health Eqbal in
Majlis immediately after attempt [on the Shah’s life], to
effect would-be assassin had left notebook in which he had
admitted he was member of Tudeh Party in spite of fact it
was controlled by USSR. Prime Minister also said that Soviet
Embassy had filed routine protest with Foreign Office re
closing last week of Russian bookstore here.” (Telegram 164
from Tehran, 761.91/2–1449)
The Chargé had an audience with the Shah on the evening of February 15. The Shah referred to the recent Soviet protest “and said he did not believe there was any immediate danger from USSR so long as internal situation in Iran remains under firm controls as he intends it shall. In reply to my question whether he thought time might now be opportune for an Iranian approach to SC, with parallel declaration by US Government, he said this might be useful but thought a still more effective deterrent to Soviet aggression against Iran could be provided, if in any statement which US Government might make regarding non-inclusion of certain countries such as Iran in proposed Atlantic Pact, it could be made plain there had been no lessening of our determination to resist aggression anywhere.” (Telegram 174, February 16, 1 p. m., from Tehran, 891.00/2–1649)