501.BC Kashmir/9–2149: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in India 1


656. Kascom 116. Dept agrees the most fruitful course UNCIP can now pursue is return case SC with suggestions as to most suitable action SC cld take in order to provide machinery for settlement. Dept has given further consideration to UNCIP and SC action and this tel supersedes Kascom 1122 to extent they inconsistent.

In Depts view important seek limit SC discussion to procedures for advancing settlement avoiding debate substance issues. Believe best course wld be approval by SC of Res with fol recitals:

reaffirmation cease-fire line and important its continued observance;
reaffirmation of agreement to decide future of state by pleb, principles of which have been agreed to in UNCIP Jan 5 Res;
notation that unresolved pre-pleb issues revolve around demilitarization of state;
notation that GOP accepted Comm proposal arb these issues and GOI stated not opposed principle of arb.

Res cld then state conclusion that continued efforts shld be made thru UN machinery to resolve these narrow issues and cld provide that:

PA Designate shld proceed to subcontinent to use his good offices to bring about agreement between parties in respect to a settlement of the outstanding issues of demilitarization or to methods of reaching such settlement including arbitration, taking into account but not being bound by Comm action on this subject;
he be authorized arb such remaining points of difference as parties then agree may be subject arb;
pending efforts this end Comm shld remain available for such work as SC may decide.

Chances limiting SC debate and directing action along above lines wld be greatly increased if Comm itself cld recommend SC adopt this course. This Tel being sent for your comments and those of embs and as holding device prior consultation with Nimitz in so far as he involved. Will cable his reaction.

Unless decision already taken move Geneva please seek have Comm complete report in subcontinent. Dept believes Geneva move likely to cause delay and loss working majority thru visits of the Members to home capitals.

  1. Repeated to the United States Mission to the United Nations as 491, London as 3433, and Karachi as 350.
  2. Not printed.